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Health Evidence

The Department for Health Evidence is an expert centre for research methodology in the health sciences. Its research programme in the domains of cancer, reproduction and evaluation of complex medical interventions serves as basis for academic teaching, training of Master and PhD students, and consultancy for clinical researchers.

The Epidemiology team of the Department of Health Evidence has much experience in studying the effects of screening in large populations. In collaboration with the Departments for Radiology and Pathology, Prof. André Verbeek studied the effects of breast cancer screening in the general population of Nijmegen, after which the nationwide breast cancer screening for women aged 50 – 75 years was implemented in the Netherlands.

Changes in lifestyle, e.g. in nutritional and physical activity patterns, were associated with the high incidence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. To study these associations into more detail, the Nijmegen Biomedical Study (http://www.nijmegenbiomedischestudie.nl/) was initiated in the year 2000 in the general population of Nijmegen and the Nijmegen Exercise Studies in 2008. In the latter, participants of the Nijmegen 4-Day Marches, ‘Marikenloop’ and Seven Hills runners are being asked to fill in questionnaires about their lifestyle and health. In addition, some measurements are done in subgroups of participants, like the measurement of waist circumference.

Vierdaagse Onderzoeksteam Epidemiologie

Prof. dr. André Verbeek, MD, Clinical epidemiologist
Andre   After obtaining  his Medical degree, Prof. dr. André Verbeek has specialised in clinical epidemiology. As professor in Clinical Epidemiology, he and his team perform medical-scientific studies to optimise the screening and treatment of cancer, as well as research on the aetiology of cancer and possible preventive actions. Recently he initiated studies about physical inactivity and obesity. In addition, André Verbeek teaches clinical Epidemiology in the curricula of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, as in postgraduate courses for medical specialists.
Dr. ir. Femmie van de Vegt, epidemiologist and nutrisionist
Femmie   Dr. Femmie de Vegt studied human nutrition and health at the Wageningen University, and subsequently specialised in human epidemiology at the VU Medical Center Amsterdam. There she studied the effects of blood glucose levels and lifestyle on diabetes and mortality in the Hoorn Study. Since 2000 she works at the Department for Health Evidence, where she started as research coordinator of the Nijmegen Biomedical Study. Femmie de Vegt is also teacher in epidemiology and research methodology in the curricula of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine, and since 2008 coordinator of the major Epidemiology in Biomedical Sciences.
Drs. Erik Brummelkamp, statististical programmer
Erik   Drs. Erik Brummelkamp studied mathematics. Since 1985 he is statistical programmer for many research project at the department of Health Evidence. Erik performs the statistical analyses for the Nijmegen Exercise Study and he is also responsible for merging the data of different cohort-studies.
Mw. Monique Eijgenberger, research assistant
Monique   Monique Eijgenberger is a research assistant at the Department for Health Evidence, with much experience in the evaluation studies for the screening of breast cancer. Her duties include data collection, making questionnaires, literature searches, administration and organization of symposia and meetings.


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